How to make a donation or payment with Zelle
- To use Zelle sign in to your banking mobile app
- Select Pay & Transfer
- Send via Zelle
- Scan the QR Code to the right or Type the email (CHAVEZ FAMILY VISION INC)
- Type in the amount of your donation or purchase
- Add a message with your name, email, and what the payment is for (example: donation, raffle ticket purchase, auction purchase,etc.)
- Your name and email are very important for us to know who we can thank for your generosity
- Send payment
Thank you for supporting our mission to Harvest the Future!
Notice for Chase Bank Users
It has come to our attention that Chase is flagging and canceling Zelle payments to CFV as fraud. If you are using Chase Bank, please add “CFV” as a safe recipient due to Chase’s increased fraud protection policy.