2021 Chavez Family Vision Scholarship
April 26, 2021Scholarshipsscholarship fund,scholarship,students
DEADLINEFriday, May 21, 2021Chavez Family Vision Scholarship gives cash grants to cover the educational expenses of college students committed to promoting economic and social justice through non-violence, volunteerism, and public action…
Coronavirus COVID-19 Announcement
Due to the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19 and the shelter in place issued by the County of Santa Clara our March and MLK library event have been cancelled. Our Breakfast and the raising of the UFW flag have been postponed until a later date.Our…
19th Annual Cesar Chavez Breakfast & Scholarship
December 9, 2019EventsSponsorship,UFW,Fundraiser
Join us as we celebrate our 2020 scholarship recipients during this special breakfast where we'll be joined by Keynote Speaker Arturo Rodriguez, President Emeritus, United Farm Workers (UFW). Get your tickets before they sell out! Proceeds will…
26th Annual Commemorative March
Please join us in marching to commemorate the life and work of César E. Chávez on March 28, 2020. We will meet in front of Roosevelt Park between 19th and E. Santa Clara Streets at 10:00 am. We will march to downtown San Jose and end up at the…
9th Annual Flag Raising
December 1, 2019Announcementssan jose,UFW,Raul Peralez,District 3,Flag Raising
Please join us on March 26, 2020 for the raising of the UFW flag at 5:30 p.m. in front of San Jose City Hall. The City of San José’s District 3 office of Council member Raul Peralez will present the 9th Annual UFW Flag. Raising Ceremony to…